sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2018

Which trip are you planning for this weekend? Our students are writing about their plans and they are choosing a destination!
Recordad alumnos/as! Como hemos comentado en clase lo importante de esta tarea es tener claro que el PRESENT CONTINUOUS no sólo se emplea para hablar de presente sino...PARA UN FUTURO PLANEADO, un futuro que sea cercano al presente y que incluya expresiones de tiempo como (next weekend, this afternoon, etc)

Una vez elegido el destino al que queréis dirigidos este fin de semana... echad a volar la imaginación 💨💨💨 y escribid sobre vuestro viaje! LET'S START! READY?


Resultado de imagen de LONDON

What to visit: The London Eye, The Tower of London, British Museum, you can visit the Queen at Buckingham Palace, even take a perfect picture of the Big Ben. Are you visiting London with your family, friends, teachers? Tell us!!! 
What to eat: Perfect breakfast, brunch, lunch and afternoon tea!! Choose some nice restaurants and explain your menu! Don't forget to take extra money as London is a expensive city 


Resultado de imagen de SEVILLE

What to visit: Maria Luisa Park, Seville Cathedral and Giralda, Metropol Parasol, Plaza de España, Fine Arts Museum, The haunting Casa de Pilatos...
What to eat: You can enjoy mediterranean dishes in this city! There are great bars and restaurants and Seville is not as expensive as London!

3rd Destination: SALAMANCA

Imagen relacionada

What to visit: Salamanca University, Casa de las Conchas, Plaza Mayor, the Old and New Cathedral, Museum Art Nuveau and Deco,Clerecía Church
What to eat: you can take a food tour on different restaurants full of rural and urban traditions! Which one do you decide to go in? Who is going with you this time?


You can choose a place you are visiting this weekend! Tell us about what to visit, what to eat and what to do!!

24 comentarios:

  1. Hi I'm Ainhoa!!
    The next weeek I'm going to London. I'm exited!
    I am visitiding the London eyes, British museum, Buckingham palace and Big Ben with my family.
    I love english breakfast but brunch, lunch and afternoon tea as well I like

  2. Hi I´m Francis Ruiz!!
    The next year I´m going to Seville. I´m excited!
    I am visiting catedral of Seville, la giralda andyour football stadium.
    I love easter and your football team

    1. Very good Francis!
      Correction: THe next week (incorrect) next week (correct)
      Possessive: your football stadium (incorrect) its football stadium (correct)
      Easter (capital letter)


    Correction:The next week (incorrect) Next Week (correct)
    English (capital letter)
    Falta indicar con quién visitas Londres

    1. Maestra al final de todo lo e visito e puesto With my family

    2. OK alumna! Which members of your family are you visiting London with? Parents? Brothers ? Grandparents? It's important to explain more, thanks a lot! Tienes un positivo por tu aportación

  4. Hi, I'm Esperanza!
    Next month I'm going to Salamanca
    I really want to!
    I will visit, the university, the house of the shells, the new and old cathedral and the river Tormes with my family.
    I love the cheeses and sausage ​​there!

    1. Fantastic Esperanza!! Remember!! Cuando hablamos de un plan cercano al presente y que esté muy planeado, empleamos PRSENTE CONTINUO CON VALOR DE FUTURO
      Sólamente tendríamos que cambiar la frase "I will visit" POR "I am visiting". THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR IDEAS!

  5. Hi, I´m Cristi!
    Next week I´m going to Almería
    I really want go. I´m nervous!!
    I will visit the Archeology Museum.
    I love travel with my family.

    1. Well done Cristina!! Te comento que deberías mantener el PRESENT CONTINUOUS a lo largo de la descripción pues se trata de una acción planeada
      Pequeño error: I love + V-ing ( I love travelling)

  6. hi im Ramon
    Next week im going to Madrid
    I really want to go
    I will visit the Stadium Santiago Bernabeu

    1. Hi Ramón! Great! But please remember!
      Usamos el present continuous (además de para presente) como hemos visto en clase, para describir acciones que sean planeadas o que vayan a suceder en un futuro cercano
      I am visiting the Stadium Santiago Bernabeu (best option)
      Tienes 1 positivo por haber participado ;)

  7. Hi im SandraNext week I´m going to Almería
    I really want go. I´m nervous
    I will visit the Archeology Museum.
    I love travel with my family

    1. Good evening Sandra! It's a nice writing
      Te comento los errores:
      I am visiting (es más correcto que I will visit) pues lo usamos para acciones planeadas y no predicciones como WILL
      y por otra parte, I LOVE + V-ING ( I LOVE TRAVELLING)
      Thanks for participating, 1 point!

  8. HI I am Alejandro,My favorite is sevilla I will talk to Triana, it is neighborhood of sevilla, in triana is street Pureza, where is the church
    Caoilla los marineros, where comes out the hermanda of the esperanza de triana

  9. Well done Alejandro! Te comento los pequeños errores:
    My favourite city (olvidaste la palabra CITY)
    I am walking along Triana (has puesto que hablarás con Triana, comprendo que quieres decir caminarás por Triana)
    Don't use the translator google, please!

  10. Hello,good morning! I am Mari Carmen Santiago Cortés.I am visiting Sevilla next weekend.I am going to the catedral,giralda,tower of gold,and guadalquivir river.
    I am visiting Sevilla with my granmother,grandfather,my sister and parents also,I am going with teacher Pilar.
    I am eating nike tapas,carne,wive in a restaurant.I am inviting my family!!

  11. I am Sheila Alenjandra!! Iḿ visiting Formentera with my best friend Laura,Iván an d Joel. I am going to el Espalmador Island, the beach "Escalo". We are eating in a chiringuito because I love fish. We are staying at a nice hotel but expensive. Of course, I am going out next weekend with my friends.

  12. Hi I am Laura!! I am going to sao palo next weekend with Sheila,Iván and joel.I am talking summer clothes become it's not in brazil now.I am going to beaches,to pubs and disco

  13. Hi! I'm Almudena.
    I'm going to Germany next week. I'm going to visit the Berlin Wall and all the city! I'm nervous!!

  14. Hi! I'm Liber !
    Next weekend I'm going to Budapest! I'm excited!
    I'm visiting the Frankestein castle,the heroes square and the Danube river whith my family
