domingo, 2 de febrero de 2020

This week, our 2nd Bachillerato Students have practiced a VERY RELEVANT TOPIC with this mock exam: ELDERLY SPANISH COULD SLEEP IN PARK AFTER BEING EVICTED

We read aloud the text in class analysing the different words students may find difficult to translate but thanks to context, they easily knew the meaning of the words:



52 comentarios:

  1. The most serious social problems today for me is bullying. In the school is the problem more know. In the present the society are serch the solution for this problem. increasingly there are more campanies that send messages for the tv, the social networks, newspaper about this topic. Whit this they get that the people will be aware and that they can worry for finally the bullying have solution. For example one of the tips that they can give is that if someone children see any thing,
    the children will say of the teacher.

    If all the world help, the problema will be solve.
    The important is be all united.

    1. (la estructura en movil estaba perfecta pero aqui se a modificado)😅

    2. MISTAKES:

      Remember to use many more connectors!


  2. Time on social networks is increasing more and more.

    Waste so much time with social networks is very bad. That time could be used for do homework, study, stay with your family, help in your house and other things. Also the phone is very bad for the eyes.
    The phone should be used for serach information, watching films, neetflix, hbo when you are in one place where you can’t tv.
    I think that the social media don’t serve much.

    all the world should have the time of social media controleted.

  3. In your opinion, what are the most serious social problems today.

    There are many problems to be resolved, there are many problems we have to face in the course of our lives, problems which have an injurious effect, both individually and collectively. Many widespread problems, which not only affect to our person, but also to hundreds of thousands of persons. Those which are a consequence of the history, or those both financial and social problems.
    It’s difficult to make a selection of the most serious problems that society has to face, because they affect each one of us quite specifically. But I am going to empathise and try to be as considerate as possible in my selection.

    I am going to focus on two issues, two problems that really concern me, problems that can affect me in a future, immigration and unemployment, two social problems that are interlinked.
    For some reason or other, the most of us at some point of our lives will perhaps have to take the decision to migrate to some part of the world to have the best possible standard of living, to be valued as we deserve to be valued, maybe because in our original site they do not, because of the war, or an iniquitous political system, low income or a massive unemployment.
    Nowadays, this problem exists in countries such as India, Mexico and Russia, with between 16 and 10 millions emigrants. However, in many cases we do not see emigration as a problem. On the contrary, we see immigration as a problem, the act of host foreign nationals. Everyone has heard racial remarks like go to your country, you have nothing to do here or you are not from here because you have not legal papers. Therefore, from here I want to tell the world, with the entire strength of my soul that we are, each and every one of us, immigrants, because all of us hail form somewhere in the world. I wish a world where all those who want, wish or need have the opportunity to leave their country of origin looking for research opportunities, as well as harmony, security, employment and prosperity and in order to achieve this aim, we need to reform the immigration system, a totally different one than the one we have, a more open and flexible one. Spain and other many countries need a system with a larger number of immigrants, a prepared system, capable of providing decent jobs.

    I encourage all people to see immigration as a solution and not as a problem.

    1. EXCELLENT,LUCIA!!! You write brilliantly! I totally agree with those ideas!

  4. Since the old ages, the Humans have had a lot of sent problems to solve but now everything has changed.

    At first, it was only a fight to live: how to cope with animals to get food and avoid bad temperatures. It was not easy at all. Anyway, those humans had to survive. After that, Revolution changed our living style. Fighting to survive is not now our main interest: we have everything web need if we have enought money to buy it.

    Because of this development changes, our sent social problems are different : money, health problems, family are the essence of our living.

    In my opinion, sent social problems are going to changed as the life. However, Humans have to learn how to fight and solve them.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Nowdays, the most serious problem for us, in others words, for our society is buylling. This problem is harmful for some childs. Hoewer, is really true that some childrens suffer this problem?

    Buylling is the most serious problem in our society. Some guys suffer this situation in our days. In school, normally, a group of children made fun of the another guy´ physical deffects and the victim feels sad and they make feel him alone. Once upon a time, when I was child, some people in my class was mading fun to my best friend. I hungried with them because he was my best friend and if he was sad, I feel it too.

    Buylling is a problem which everywhere has to contribute to erradicate it. . This situation has ocurred for a long time at school so our goverment has to take note about it. In addition to this, politics has to make laws to kill off this harmful situation for students. Moreover, everybody has to make aware of the problem to contribute. However, the real solution is for fathers, they must educate their sons as well as polite persons.

    To sump up, I strongly believe that the most serious problem in our society is buylling. We can erradicate it giving the correctly education to our sons. Even thought, if goverment make laws to resolve this problem, people will make aware for the situation. Unless a fewer persons consider that this isn´t a real problem, is the most serious problem in our days.

    1. MISTAKES:


  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Social problems today cause serious controversies, but what are social problems?
    These are issues that involve some kind of inconvenience or disorder and that require a solution. When a problem appears, it is difficult to reach a goal.

    One of the biggest social problems is hunger, it affects millions of people in the world, especially those in the third world, as they are in much of Africa and Central America.And not only is hunger in these types of countries, but also the offense they receive for being of a different skin color, so another social problem would be racism, even if it is somewhat less encouraged.
    But not only this, there are thousands of social problems, others very common are pollution, continuous wars, AIDS or non-renewable energies that mostly influence pollution.

    In the Congo, whose geographical extension is almost equal to that of Europe, hunger has skyrocketed with 13 million people who require emergency help due to clashes in the east of the country. Which is a paradox, when it is a fertile territory full of natural wealth, but precisely because of these economic interests, different groups seek control of such resources. The internal situation of the country is still violent and unstable. Now the one who is rich is richer and the poor is still poor.

    In short, I believe that our society follows in the footsteps of those who want us to follow, and I say follow because I also included myself in this group. The only way to change what happens is to make people aware of trying to change them, but it would be very difficult to achieve if not impossible.

  9. In our society It is almost impossible to determine the most serious social problem. The huge social problems we see today accumulate.

    From my humble opinion, racism is the biggest social problem we have had in the world and that it still has today. Not only do we have ongoing problems with racism in our own country, but racism is a global problem that leads to countless wars and conflicts.

    Governments have their way of contributing to the solution of society's problems. However they do not do their job. We need fair laws that fight injustice and foster a better world. But we also have the responsibility of us as citizens to work for a better world. We must promote responsible measures. We should not allow more than racism to move forward.

    However, the problem is that neither the leaders themselves want nor can deal with the most basic problem facing our world. The problem is human selfishness. Society is bad because humans are selfish.

    As I have explained, I consider that both this and the other problems of society are difficult to solve. The problem has no easy solution and nobody is involved enough to solve it.

  10. Nowadays it is more common when we encounter many problems in society.

    First of all I will talk about one of the most serious problems today, climate change.Today, it is increasingly common to see burnt forests, seas full of plastics, melting glaciers and animals in danger of extinction.

    On the other hand, a very serious issue in society is discrimination against individuals.Although we may think they are subjects of the past, but nowadays it is very common to see people of different religions, sexuality or race excluded.

    In conclusion, all people must do their part to solve and eliminate these problems so harmful to the society.

  11. Nowadays, in the world there are many problems. It's difficult to choose the most serious problem we face because we are surrounded by them, but I will talk about poverty in the world.

    Many countries around the world are having serious poverty problems. In reality, poverty is the reason why some of these countries are called third world countries. But what is poverty? Poverty is the situation of not being able to meet the basic physical and psychological needs of a person or what is related to their life, due to lack of resources such as food, housing, education, assistance sanitary, drinking water or electricity. Poverty can affect a person, a group of people or an entire geographical region.

    Unfortunately, poverty is a massive problem in the world, and approximately 1 billion people living in poverty are innocent children. 22,000 of these children die every day due to poverty.

    The NGO Manos Unidas lists various causes that have led to current poverty, including colonialism, wars and slavery. Many of these causes make up the history of poverty, although others continue to take place in the 21st century, although there are also other important factors that influence poverty.

    In conclusion, I think that only united as humans can we eradicate some of these problems otherwise we are doomed, we contaminate our planet in a super accelerated way and if we add to that, health problems, water and little food will disappear.

  12. It is a well-known fact that there have always been problems in society but, what are the most serious problems today? We should reconsider if we can do something to solve them and if not, at least improve these situations.

    One instance could be education, there are many countries where people lack basic education. Apart from this pollution is another important problem that affects everyone and that de could improve with actions such a recycling. On top of that violence exists throughout the world and that all people should be more aware and give it the importance It really requires.

    In my opinion today there are many problems and some of them are more important than others. We should all be aware of this and try to change. In addition to solving.

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


    It is said that teenagers are not aware of the huge amount of problems we should face in our society nowadays. Nevertheless, some of them are really concerned about urgent social problems such as child malnutrition, racism or machismo.

    You may think I am self-interested up to the point of being worried just about make-up, fashion or social media. However, this is not actually the case, since I consider myself a responsible young woman.

    As far as I am concerned, the most important social problem is child malnutrition. Do you sleep peacefully knowing that more than eight thousand children die of hunger daily? Undoubtedly, this is an alarming rate.

    On the other hand, it is a fact that most people are narrow-minded when it comes to judging others. For instance, there are some relationships which are socially frowned upon, as homosexual ones. Unfortunately, there are a lot of couples who can not love each other without being hidden.

    Definitely, I strongly believe we all should think about these issues in order to do our bit to make a pure of heart society.


    Have you ever calculated the time you spend on social media?
    According to a recent study, we spend more than 144 minutes a day on social media. Undoubtedly, this is an alarming rate, not only for the huge amount of hours we waste a week, but also for the different risks we are running when surfing the Internet.

    As far as I am concerned, having an account on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter may be both useful and risky.

    On the one hand, it is a great advantage to see what is happening to your relatives in real time. Besides, you can upload photos, videos and different post from wherever you are. This is a crucial fact if you are away from your family and friends, as using social media you can feel them closer. Furthermore, you can join groups, follow pages and profiles according to your interests.

    On the other hand, we must be really careful when using social media, due to the fact that there are a lot of hackers who can have access to your data. Moreover, we should bear in mind there are a lot of cyberbullies too.

    To sum up, I have to admit that I should restrict my time in social media in order to use the time wisely.

  16. In our society there are a lot of problems that we are involved. For example the bullying.

    I'm going to write about two cases.

    In Spain, nowadays we can see on school problems like bullying in which are involved children. That's means that the problem is in education of them. If their parents had given a good education to their son or daughter (for example, explaining them the bad feeling when a person feel bad because someone has stiked to he or she), children wouldn't hurt to others.

    However, for example in Switherland this situación is more regulated. Since babys, children are with all children so this make good senses because they are related with children with problems. In the future, when this children been teenegers, they won't have problems with other children.

    In conclusion, we have to change the education in places with this type of problems because it Will be easy to help children that really need It.

  17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  18. The problems in our society is a very current issue in our day, which we have to face and put and end to.

    I don’t think that there is specifically one serious problem in this world! There are many serious problems Inter-related to each other, such as inequality, discrimination,illiteracy ect.

    As far as I have to mention one of the serious problem which is dominant all over the world, then I would like to mention inequality whether on the basic of income, status, class, caste, colour or other economic, social and cultural field. This social problem is present everywhere directly or indirectly. Although our parents when we were young they would teach the importance of equality. I will teach this to my babys and my family.

    To sump up how well I said before inequality is the main problem, but I hope that in the future that will change.

  19. In nowadays world we have a lot of facilities that help us achieve our goals, but as we know we also have some serious social issues such as pollution.
    Gas emission have risen dramatically since the start of industrial revolution. Pollution has increased the number of diseases such as asthma and lung cancer. Moreover, human activity has changed ecosistems and threatened several species, damaging the biodiversity. Climate change will affect us all in the same way, even though some ethnic groups aren't consider as equals for other groups.
    People are being attacked and bullied due to racism everyday. For instance blackface has been a problem for decades and it still remains in some cultural festivities such as the parade of the three wise men. Also, discrimination is being presented in workplace and school. Usually in the form of hair microagressions, black people are told they are not allowed style their hair in a certain way which different from white beauty cannons.It is known that every black person has been hypersexualised at some point in their lifetime.Recently, xenophobic and racist sterotypes are being spread because of coronavirus.

    In my belief, it is the lack of empathy and knowledge which causes racism. But we can fight against racism and pollution.

    1. Hi Alba, remember "nowadays" is not an adjective. In today's world is better said
      Apart from that, I really enjoyed your writing. Lots of good content and structure

  20. Nowadays, it’s almost impossible to decide what is the serious social problem. A lot of problems affect society from different points of view. Needless to say that all issues are importants in the development of the population.

    A problem that greatly stands out, in my opinion, is climate change. It’s caused by the actions of the humans. Consumerism, excess of CO2 and greenhouse effect, are some of the many causes that contribute to it.

    As far as I’m concerned, this social problem is of vital importance because the lives of many animals are in danger (by deforestation) just as our world is disappearing, like glaciers.

    In conclusion, we should change people’s mentality to solve these really important situations for the world and for our lives. With a simple grain of sand, we get a better world.

  21. Nowaydays , in the world there are a lot of problems . One of the problems is the racism. It is a very important problem that we should solve as soon as possible.

    This happens on the footballs field where the fans of the football team insult a black football player .These people receive many insult like monkey sound .These behavior is annoying for these football players they suffer a lot .

    This also happens in other countries where rich people or bussines men abuse poor workers. For examples these black people in some countries are paid much less than white people .

    In conclusion this problems should be solve because it is an injustice for the black people because they are people

    pd:Rafa Gallego Morales

  22. Would you restrict your time on social media?
    In my opinion, I use social networks little since I have a small baby of 8 months and between studying, working and caring for the baby I do not sometimes have time to sleep.

    First, if we look from a global point of view, we used to communicate by letter ... ect. Nowadays with all the current technology, people prefer to talk on WhatsApp or Facebook than stay in person and make a meal.
    We waste too much time, I think on my part, between computer, game consoles, mobiles, tablets ... ect time passes without realizing it.

    For example, I had my baby before I had enough time and there were days that I preferred to stay playing video games than go out with my friends or partner. And now I realize that social networks are boring and take away from boredom, but they are not as important as they seem, we take more care of the image of our Instagram profile than of being with friends / family.

    However, although social networks catch us they also help us day by day to inform us about basic things such as the weather it will do today, or political, economic and cultural issues.
    At this time I would not restrict my time on social networks since there are days that I do not even look at the mobile.

    In conclusion for me I do not mind taking use of social networks since I use them little, but if you should raise awareness of those people who are all day with social networks or cling to social networks for personal problems.

  23. Social media has indisputably changed the world. It has brought people around the world closer together.

    However social media having a negative impact in the society. Too many people the world, especially young people are using the social media.

    We may be sacrificing our mental health and our time by using social networks and influency unnecessary on stress. Here are some consequences of spending too much time on social networks.

    To sum up, more and more people spend time communicating online instead of the real world every day, which is having on impact on people's social life.

  24. Nowadays, much people use social media for too many reasons. Some of them, waste their time on social media in instead for family, friends and sport. However, is it really true?

    Social media is bad if you don't know how to control its use. A bad use for social media can make your friends angry as you are taking time for them. Furthemore, if you waste their time on social media,you will fell mad because you can lose your friends.,
    Moreover, waste time on social media bring you to become unhealthy because yo don't do exercise.

    This is a ugly situation because you can't replace your Friends, family and in my case a girldfriend, for social media. This is frightened so I should restrict the use time to social media to vanish problem. Unless our familiars and Friends sometimes give our problems, are our love so we have to dedicate more time to them.

    To sump Up, I restrict the use to social media because I strongly believe that my friends and family are the first so I have to spend more time with them.

  25. Social media influence us by taking us away very important time in our day to day. Would we be able to restrict it?

    From my humble opinion I spend a lot of time with the mobile and that makes me waste time studying and going out with my friends. I want to commit to using the mobile one hour a day and go out with my friend and talk to them in person. In addition I only would use the mobile to search things important related to the highschool. I will never have problems related to photos and views.

    As I have explained I use a lot of the mobile with an average of 4 hours a day, my parent are agree with me when I say that I have leave mobile.

    Finally all people should leave social media aside, study more and worry less about our environment.

    The invention of social media has been the turning point in the way we communicate. We wanted or not, this revolutionary creation has impacted in our lifestyles.
    In the present people waste much of their time watching YouTube, chatting online or stalking others on Instagram. Whereas in the past people used to spend their spare time doing useful activities. For instance cleaning, cooking, drawing, playing, etc.
    Without realising, we are wasting our time on insignificant stuff and we will never get it back. We only own time and time is money. Instead of watching a lot of recipes why don't you bake a cake? Instead of being on Twitter why don't you go for a walk with your mother? You will feel more free and less stressed. It is your decition, it is your future.
    In my belief, the more you reduce your time on social media, the more you live.

  27. Option B Would You restrict your time on social media?
    The social media now are so advanced and many children have grown up with this technology. This can be positive but also negative because the internet have many risks if you aren't careful.
    Based on my experience restrict your time on social network can be difficult at first but then when you are in a place with friends and a place where you are busy you aren't aware of the mobile phone. This situation causes your mind to relax and you disconnect. As they say the best moments are when there aren't photos because when you are having fun don't remember your phone.
    However maybe if you are so addicted to social media this situation don't be helpful for your mental health

  28. Nowaday the most of people have some kind of social networking, or more of them.This is something that give us the oportunity of be in touch each other,but something could be dangerous if we use it too much.
    Personally, I think that I waste a lot time using it and I should try to do other things in spite of this .
    We should not forget it is a hobby and the time that we have our real life out of them.
    I will finish just saying that we have to use the social networking not much.


  29. Mu Life is conditioned by social media . I often use social media like Instagram, Twitter.

    On the one hand use social media for it could be good for example we can knwo news with the social media anda que comunícate with them. On the other hand our time os affected by social media. The people should use leas these plataforms and invest un the other things like family,friend and hour if study more.

    On conclusion de use leas social media. If 20 years ago de asked this questions to someone would It be necessary to reduce the time lost in social media

    By Joaquín

    1. Please Joaquín, use a longer introduction, as well as conclusion. KEEP WORKING!

  30. Writing part B:

    Nowadays, the world is based on social media and all things that we consider, we upload them to the social network.

    Social media can become a problem if we don't stop on time, because it can be like a drug. You can become adiccted to look at new photos that others have posted, coments from someone, etc. In addition, this makes us spend more time with the mobile and not with family near you.

    On the other hand, however, there are people who do good use to it because they are looking for things that are usefull to them, or simply because it's their job and they need to use social media.

    I know a case, in which, an old woman had a son who was working not very close to his home. When he least expetted it, he had to go so far even. Then, he thought buy a computer to his mother to could see both of them all days even if they were far away.

    In conclusion, It depend on the use of each one. From now, I propose to me give greater utility to social media and entoy all time with family, if I have them close to me.

    1. Good writing
      MISTAKES: "he thought TO buy)
      All days: everyday
      Avoid literal translation (I propose to me give greater utility"

  31. IT is true that the New generation has been bien as technologies, and i think this hace good Things and bad things.

    In my personal case sometimes like yo distract myself from social networks and spend more time with my family and friends.I feel very confortable when I go out for a drink with my friends and leave the mobile phone aside, ee talking about our things and we tell each other gossip. I also like to go for a walk in good weather, my friends and I usually go to the swamp of my town while we eat some potatoes and we make a cigarette. It's great to leave social networks aside, I have a great time and I lough a los When i'm with them.

    I think it's a good idea to disconnect a little, I recommend it

    Nowaydays , three billon people use social networks , specialy these young people use during three hours per day.
    As we all know several studies show us that social networks produce a negative impact in our mental health. This studio was made by Facebook. Also social networks can affect for the dreams .
    However in the social network you can know more about the people you know ,or like famous people but you can also know news about our country . Also with some applications we can communicate without we spend money like whatsapp.
    To sum up we should reduce the time that you use the socials networks.
    Rafa Gallego Morales

    1. Well done,Rafa! Be careful with this:

      In the social network (ON SOCIAL NETWORK)
      Instead of "also" use In addition/ apart from that, what's more...

  33. Nowadays, we waste a lot of time using social media. Social media can be an harmful entertainment programme, an area that can become toxic for us, an communication method that passionate us, which keep us informed about what is going on. But, have we reached the point of take action and decide to restrict our time on social media?
    In my view and from my personal experience, the social networks reduce incredibly my precious time. When I start using them, i am quite unable to finish. We have reached a crucial point and now we feel the need to use constantly our mobile phone for checking messages and so on. Therefore, I strongly believe that we have to become more aware and reduce the time that we spent using the mobile phone. We should enjoy living nature, enjoy with the family and our friends instead of wasting our time unnecessarily. We don’t value really beautiful and important issues, things and people and we should start doing it. An excessive and prolonged use of networking sites can increase depression because they keep you connected to the people and, in turn, they are linked to loneliness.
    In conclusion, I feel that limiting its use for approximately 30 minutes may lead to an improvement in our wellbeing.


    Nowadays, our lifes are based on social media. Instagram, whatsapp, snapchat and twitter, are some of the many networks that contribute to lost our time.

    People aren’t aware about the influence of mobile phone and networks. Needless to say that it’s important and necessary use the technologies, but we shouldn’t abuse them.

    Everyone can try to do other activities for enjoy the time: doing sport, playing music, reading books... It’s necessary to “detoxify” from mobile phone and networks for a time, so we pay attention to the things in our environment. Our mind needs to stay occuped with something.

    To sum up, I think that we spend a lot of time connected to the network and we abused of the use of mobile phone. This can cause us problems when it comes to interacting with the people around us.

    1. Hi Celia! just checking:
      Lifes is not correct: LIVES
      Contribute to LOSE (INFINITIVE)
