miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Morning, students! A new day, a new chance to practice your English! Remember next Friday we´re taking English class to practice this exam and correct #readingComprehension #UseOfEnglish and ...#Writing FOR SURE!
Before starting reading the text, could please have a look at this video about #drugs and their #consequences?

Now after having watched the text, you have a more complete idea about what our text is about. Please before Friday, read at least twice the text and develop the Comprehension activities as well as Use of English and writing:What do you know about substance abuse?

I TRUST ON YOU!!! Confío en vosotros, por favor, hacedlo para sacar MÍNIMO 9!!
¿Qué va a marcar la diferencia? Vuestro writing! Aunque el título para todos en Julio sea el mismo, vuestro contenido será diferente. Recordemos las pautas de clase PLEASE!! y bajo esas pautas, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!
No hay milagros para tener un buen nivel de inglés, pero practicando, tu inglés no se oxidará y mejorará cada día


¿Quieres conseguir más puntuación en tus writings y sobre todo, aprender a escribir un inglés más correcto?Lee las siguientes indicaciones:
·  Content (Contenido): No hay mucho que explicar aquí. Tienes que escribir sobre lo que te piden, nada más. No te vayas por las ramas ni hables de tus pasadas vacaciones. Entiende la tarea y escribe lo que te piden.
· Communicative Achivement (Desarrollo del mensaje): Escribir mucho, pero sin ningún orden ni concierto no te va a servir de nada. El objetivo de cualquier texto es el de comunicar un mensaje, así que asegúrate de que este se entiende adecuadamente. El tono y el registro también deben ser los adecuados de acuerdo con los distintos tipos de writing. Sobre todo (advantages & disadvantages, narration, opinion essays…)
· Organisation (Organización): Divide los textos en párrafos y asegúrate de organizar las ideas adecuadamente y con lógica. Evita párrafos demasiado cortos, así como demasiado largos.
· Language (Lenguaje): Aquí es donde demuestras tu control sobre el vocabulario y gramática inglesa. Se te está evaluando dentro de un nivel de Bachillerato (B1) así que debes utilizar gramática y vocabulario propio de este nivel. Es por ello que una preparación adecuada, es esencial. Un lenguaje demasiado simple no te ayudará a conseguir una nota muy alta


Tienes que tener muy buena habilidad para comenzar a escribir con ideas sin hacer primero un draft (borrador) y ahora lo que estamos haciendo es APRENDER A MEJORAR LOS WRITING.

Dedica el primer párrafo a tratar el TOPIC pero NO EN PROFUNDIDAD sino ofreciendo un comentario, definición etc) POR FAVOR! No comiences escribiendo esta frase : now, I am going to talk about… ya que  apenas tiene contenido porque ya se sabe por el título , el tema que vas a tratar .
Da la sensación de que tu inglés no va a estar a la altura de la situación y lo que realmente queremos conseguir es que impresiones a tu lector con un correcto inglés (no perfecto)

Los writings, siempre lo digo, son como las ensaladas que podemos preparar, pueden tan insípidos como los que sólo incluyen “lettuce” o ser tan apetitosos y sabrosos como lo que tienen muchos más incredientes “carrots, olives, tuna, asparagus” DE ESO SE TRATA! Encontrar writing con gramática variada (no sólo PRESENT SIMPLE ó PAST SIMPLE) sino condicionales, alguna pasiva, algún reported speech, algún futuro… Por supuesto , todo no va a encajar y es imposible incluir todo pero demuestra que sabes más de una simple estructura

En cuanto al léxico (vocabulario) intenta evitar términos básicos como GOOD/BAD/IMPORTANT porque, aunque sean perfectamente correctos decirlos, son las primeras palabras que los alumnos/as aprenden, con lo cual, debemos sustituirlas por otros sinónimos

Ejemplo (sinónimos para GOOD)

Antes de entregar tu WRITING ya sea en clase o en el examen, por favor: REVÍSALO!! Puede contener “mistakes”, errores que tú sabes que has cometido y que puedes rectificar si estás a tiempo. Ejemplo: terceras personas, uso correcto de auxiliares, colocación de adjetivos, concordancia sujeto-verbo, preposiciones, genitivo sajón, pronombres, spelling, etc.

13 comentarios:

    The drug consumption constitutes an important social phenomenon that affects especially at the adolescents in this moment. The prevalence of drug use and abuse in the adolescent stage and early adulthood are high.

    With a great disponibility the adolescents have to learn how to life with the presence of drugs, making decisions about their consumption. Drugs steal childhood, destroy families and nullify stories yet to write. The use of illegal drugs carries many serious health risks, because they are not controlled or supervised by medical professionals. Some drugs are addictive and lead to bodily harm. Heavy use of some illegal drugs can cause you to overdose, which can cause irreversible damage to the body and be mortal.

    In short, I think drugs are very bad and even if it all starts with innocence and curiosity, you can end up very bad.

    1. Good afternoon Yolanda, this writing is very artificial! Please write it with your own words

    It is universally recognized that we can often observe substance abuse in society. However, I think before it was more abused. By the way, we must not forget the consequences of substance abuse.

    t seems to me that teens should have responsibility. They are weaker because they are often in difficult situations. They are in a complicated stage and are victims of family problems, love problems ...
    Added to that we must not forget the problems that can bring to the development of the person and his health.

    Apart from this is a destructive topic for everyone. No one should forget how harmful the abuse of any substance is to health. We must pay more attention to drug use and end it.

    1. Well done Eva, try to include a conditional sentence please and a reported speech, could you write it?


    It is a well-known fact that substances abuse is bad for our health. People can consume sweets, soft drinks, drugs, ..etc but they must be in control of their amount.

    It is advisable that people should eat healthy food like fruits and vegetables but even though it is considered healthy food, people shouldn't overconsume it. It is also advisable to do sport but with control because too much exercise can also damage your health.

    On the other hand, it is normal that people eat sweets as long as it's once in a while. The most dangerous thing is the drugs. Scientists have created medicines for the most common ailments in people. That is why we have access to over-the-counter medications, but their misuse can cause serious damage to your health such as ulcer, damage to the liver or brain, etc.

    In my opinion, people must control the amount of all kinds of substances they ingest such as food, medicine... etc.


    It is a well-known fact that substance abuse sometimes can kill a lot of people around the world, although, Does everyone know the seriousness of the matter?
    When you start consuming substance abuse, typically it is because you need to forget certain things and you decide consume drugs, believing that it will be the best. Many analysis show the age at which they start taking abusive substances, It are usually between 12 and 28 years old. For this reason, parents must have a certain control to the children. The exact cause of substance abuse is not clear, with the two predominant theories being: either a genetic disposition which is learned from others, or an habit which if addiction develops, manifests itself as a chronic debilitating disease. It is not the first time that there have been drug-related traffic accidents.

    On the other hand, somehow drugs can help in some disease, one such of this ischronically ill people who use marijuana for pain; However, the doctor must prescribe it as an radical case. If you know anyone who consumes drugs, you should help his; sometimes those people just need to talk. Apart from this there are therapy groups in which they tell their lives to professionals, avoiding depression and violent behavior.

    To sum up, bearing the above in mind, it too important tal kwith the yought people; consume drugs is not a prank, we just have to consume by prescription, although in extreme casis.

    -What do you think about substance abuse?-
    What exactly is substance abuse? What are the symptoms? How can we deal with it? It's important to talk also about the relation between drugs and the control law. As well as which model of legislation have most of the governments designed to criminalise certain types of drug use.
    First of all, substance abuse, also known as substance use disorder, or drug abuse is use of a drug (substance) in amounts or by methods which are harmful to the individual. And for what purposes? It’s simply, for mood-altering purposes. Adding drugs can really change people’s humour. And what is a drug? It’s also an easy answer, a drug is a substance or preparation that has a stimulant, depressive, narcotic or hallucinogenic effect. The most commonly abused illegal drugs are, for example, marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, hallucinogens, heroin, and so on.
    Moreover, I wish to stress that we are talking about abuse, and what does it mean? It can result because you are using more than prescribed or not in a correct way. The first impulse that comes to mind on hearing substance abuse is linked to illegal drugs, but that is not completely true. It’s true that drugs got to be illegal because they are potentially addictive and harmful, but this also may happen with legal drugs, for example, alcohol, inhalants and solvents, and even coffee and cigarettes can become addictive.
    The withdrawal from any chronic substance abuse is very serious. Currently, the principal aim of most countries is that the health and well being of young and old people should be supported, with a focus on the promotion of mental and sexual health, sport, physical activity and healthy lifestyles, as well as, and very important, the prevention of treatment of injury, eating disorders, addictions and substance abuse. Significant results have been obtained with regard to combating drug abuse. However, in most cases, a national strategy and action plan on preventing drug abuse and reducing supply have not been adopted. For that reason, drug abuse and drug-related crime in the Spain and other countries continue to rise. The production and consumption of illicit drugs are threatened sustainable development and had and adverse impact on the environment and social economic consequences. Society pays a price for substance abuse, in other words, drugs abuse involves the loss of labour productivity, the spread of diseases, crime and homelessness. Substance abuse also results in high healthcare costs.
    To sum up, drug abuse exists globally and drug abuse among young people is of increasing concern.

    1. Good afternoon Lucía, magnificent writing!Try to balance the extension of paragraphs. For instance, the last paragrah (conclusion) is quite short in comparison with the rest

      KEEP WORKING! very well! good job!


    Nowadays substances abuse has increased their consumption, girls and boys consume younger and younger.

    I think that can´t say some positive about substance abuse, on the one hand I can say that substance abuse are horrible for health, many people think that this is wrong as people consume because they fell glad, but is the opposite because substance abuse like drugs, alcohol, tobacco… make you feel good but inside it affects.

    On the other hand people consume substance abuse as they aren´t feel good and need it to felt happy, many people don´t realize that they have a problem and this is a big problem. I know many people lost their family for this and other had destroyed and they wanted to get their life back it was too late.

    To sun up I think that we should control substance abuse and help people who need it as they have a complicated situation.

    Esmeralda Salvador Cabrerizo 2BC

    1. Good afternoon Esmeralda, there's repetition of lots of words. Why using only connectors and verbs in present?

  7. Today, sport becomes an essential part of our lives. Some young children
    spend much of their time playing sports.Some other children don't do much
    exercises and focus too much on their studies.Nonetheless, I think it has pros
    and cons.

    On the one hand, it needless to say that spending a lot of time doing sports is really beneficial because it is good for children's health.If you exercise regularly, it can prevent many diseases. Playing sports can make you feel better and also reduces your stress in the day.Therefore, you can have good health.

    On the other hand, as far as I'm concerned, if children practice it too much, it may be their main goal.So that children don't want to pay more attention to their study.For example, I have a friend who really likes to play football and he's very good at it, but in other subjects, he always has a poor performance.

    To put it into a nutshell I firmly believe that young children should play sport regularly but not too much.Although now that we are in alarm state Prevention is better than cure.

    Yolanda López Fernández 2BC

  8. Hello Yolanda! It's necessary you include connectors and more variety of tenses,the introduction is a paragraph with 4 lines, instead try to include connectors there
